WCSC Preliminary R4
47.World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC)
Preliminary results after R4:
Individual | Teams
Preliminary results after R4:
Individual | Teams
Baltic Combined competition is open to the participants of the 66th WCCC. It comprises composing and solving.Submission deadline for composing part: 2024-07-20 23:00 EEST Preliminary date: 31.07.2024Director: Iļja Ketris
In the Competitions section -> SOLVING you can see the basic rules and preliminary schedule of the main solving competitions during WCCC 2024. Special greetings to the directors and assistants of both tournaments for accepting this demanding job!1) 47.World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC) Director: Ryszard KrólikowskiAssistants: Axel Steinbrink & Luc Palmans2) Open Solving TournamentDirector: Luc PalmansAssistant:…
The Baltic Combined tournament will start at 19:00 (instead of 18:30), in the solving hall on 11th floor. Open for everybody to watch!
Latvian Chess Problem Society has the honor to invite all delegates of the World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC), national teams and individual solvers, chess composers and all those interested in problem chess, to attend the 66th World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) and 47th World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC). You’re welcome to take part in the…
Open Solving: preliminary results after R1