
Announcement will be published (or given in a printed copy) on 28.07.2024, Sunday’s morning, and the submission time is evening of the same day. Approximately 10:00 – 18:00.


Theme: The tourney is for helpselfmates in 2-6 moves where at least two white pieces are pinned in the mate. The pins must be created during the play (they must not exist already in the diagram position).
Fairy pieces and conditions are allowed.

a) 1.Sxf5 Sd1 2.Rd6+ Qxd6# (Sf5 & Qf3 pinned)
b) 1.Qxf5 Se2 2.Bb5+ Qxb5# (Qf5 & Se3 pinned)

Maximum 3 problems per author.
Deadline: Monday 29 July, 22:00 (Jurmala time).
Send your problems to Niels Danstrup, .
Judge: Kjell Widlert

Jurmala WCCC Internet Tourney 2024 – Mate in 2 moves

Theme: Double Mate Correction (DMC)

See the announcement with 16 examples in PDF

Additional demands and criteria:

  1. The thematic try and the solutions start by the moves of the same White piece.
  2. No variation repeats in the phases, even if Black move doesn’t defend against the threat.
  3. Unique thematic Black defences are preferable, especially in the try and solution.

Open to all composers around the world, at most three entries per author, single or joint.

Deadline: 15th July 2024

Director: Borislav Gadjanski (entering into MatPlus.Net/Originals/Jurmala IT 2024).

Judge: Marjan Kovačević

! the deadline for sending: 10.Jun.2024
!check in the Announcement how to prepare your entries
Send-to: tournament director Julia Vysotska

The winners will be announced on the prize giving ceremony, Friday, 02.08.2024.

  • Murfatlar TT7, Proof games – The Tourney is opened worldwide. Deadline: July 15, 2024 | Judge: P. Rãican
  • Siegfried Hornecker Memorial Tourney – The Tourney is opened worldwide. Deadline: July 15, 2024 | Judges Section A: Jim Grevatt (U.K.), Section B: Paul Raican
  • Champagne Tourney Jurmala 2024 – The Tourney is open worldwide. Entries to the director Eric Pichouron, by Tuesday 30th July 20:00, e-mail: | Judge: Michel Caillaud | A . ProofGames B. Any other kind of Retro problems
  • 22nd Romanian Tzuica Tourney – The tourney is open worldwide. Send to: Eric Huber by e-mail at | Deadline: Wednesday, July 31st, 8pm. | Judges: Vlaicu Crişan & Eric Huber (Romania)
  • The 21st Japanese Sake Tourney – The tourney is open worldwide. Prizes: Bottles of Sake (to congress participants only). Send to: Tadashi Wakashima, | Deadline: Wednesday, July 31st, 12 PM
  • 10th Azemmour Tourney Jurmala 2024 – The tourney is open worldwide. Judge: Abdelaziz Onkoud, please send your problems to: | Deadline: 31 July 2024
  • 27th SABRA Composing Tourney – Open to all composers but those not participating in the congress are limited to one problem only and only congress participants can receive prizes. | Judge: Menachem Witztum | Entries should be submitted to Paz Einat by email: | Deadline: 31 July 2024 at 19:00.
  • bernd ellinghoven memorial tourney – The tourney is open worldwide. Judges: Kjell Widlert, Torsten Linß | Closing date: Thursday, August, 1st, 8pm (Jurmala time), entries to and/or on paper to either of the judges. Prizes: bottles of bernd’s favorite beverage. . . (For congress participants only)

47.World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC)

Team & Individual
2 days competition, 6 rounds in total.

WCSC rules

Counted for solvers’ rating.

Genres: Mate in 2 moves (#2), Mate in 3 moves (#3), Mate in more moves (#n), Endgames (+/=), Selfmates (s#) and Helpmates (h#).

Open Solving

1 day competition, 2 rounds of 6 problems in each.

OPEN rules

Counted for the World Solving Cup 2023/24 and for solvers’ rating.

Genres: Mate in 2 moves (#2), Mate in 3 moves (#3), Mate in more moves (#n), Endgames (+/=), Selfmates (s#) and Helpmates (h#).

Retro Solving – Jūrmala WCCC 2024

Tournamet: 1 round – 6 problems – 90 minutes
Director: Vlaicu Crișan
Problems selection: Thomas Brand (check by Axel Steinbrink)

Preliminary Date/Time: Monday, 29 July 2024, 17:00 – 18:30

Fairy Solving – Jūrmala WCCC 2024

Tournamet: 2 rounds 90 minutes each
Director: Vidmantas Satkus
Problems selection: Michal Dragoun

Preliminary Date/Time: Thursdsay, 01 August 2024, 18:00 – 21:30
See Fairy pieces and conditions – the list will be shortened two weeks before the competitions to the actual elements included.

Preliminary date: 31.07.2024
Director: Iļja Ketris

Baltic Combined competition is open to the participants of the 66th WCCC. It comprises composing and solving.
Submission deadline for composing part: 2024-07-20 23:00 EEST