WCSC Preliminary R6
47.World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC)
Preliminary results after R6:
Individual | Teams
Preliminary results after R6:
Individual | Teams
47.World Chess Solving Championship (WCSC) Preliminary results after R5: Individual | Teams
Open Tourney 29.07.2024 Preliminary Results (v.30.07.24) | Problems | Solutions
The suggestions about getting from Jurmala SPA hotel to Riga airport: To enjoy safe and pleasant rides with Bolt, you need to download the passenger app. You can install it for free on your mobile device by choosing your operating system below: A very long trip would be using train or bus to Riga, and…
Please, register by 27.05.2024! The registration form is very simple, includes the main events of the WCCC 2024, without hotel room. Use the button Register Now!
Jurmala WCCC Internet Tourney 2024 – Mate in 2 moves Theme: Double Mate Correction (DMC) Preliminary AWARD
Jurmala WCCC 5-DAYS COMPOSING TOURNEY Theme: The tourney is for helpselfmates in 2-6 moves where at least two white pieces are pinned in the mate. The pins must be created during the play (they must not exist already in the diagram position).Fairy pieces and conditions are allowed.